The War Heritage Institute supports the “70 years UDHR” campaign by the Association pour les Nations unies.

On May 31, 2018 the War Heritage Institute (site Royal Military Museum) will welcome an information session about the “70 years UDHR” campaign by the Association pour les Nations unies. This campaign is realized in collaboration with the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Commission of the French-speaking community.   

The meeting will take place in the Military Museum’s arcade gallery between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; the arcade will therefore be closed to the public. We thank you for your understanding. 

For the 70thanniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the APNU (Association pour les Nations unies) asks youngsters aged 10 to 30 to select a UDHR article and to present how this could be improved through a channel of their choice. More than 5,000 youngsters have already signed up.

The War Heritage Institute supports this beautiful initiative, as both the institution and the UDHR promote values such as democracy, liberty and equality. Moreover, sensitizing young people for these values and transmitting them through innovative initiatives are some of the WHI’s core tasks.

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