An exceptional national holiday, linking Covid-19 and liberation

Belgium was liberated 75 years ago. The event heralded the end of the Second World War in Europe. This year the national holiday draws attention to this anniversary. A special tribute will also be paid to all the men and women who, in one way or another, fought Covid-19.

Festivities will be launched at 2 p.m. A parade will be organised, but on a limited scale. The official stands will face the Royal Palace and the King will hold a brief address. Queen Mathilde, Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel, Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz and Prince Laurent will also be present. Five F-16s will draw the national tricolour over the event and a military helicopter will fly the Belgian flag.

The traditional military parade has been cancelled but ten historical Brigade Piron vehicles, made available by the War Heritage Institute, will be on parade. They can be admired for two days (Saturday 18 July and Sunday 19 July) on the Royal Military Museum’s Square Courtyard and in the Museum’s Great Hall.

The ceremony will also feature various Belgian artists and the entire event will be live on television. Everybody will therefore be able to enjoy this most particular national holiday.

Tribute will also be paid both to the victims of Covid-19 and to all those who fought the virus in the front line.

The War Heritage Institute particularly wishes to thank:

all those who fought the disease: health care workers and paramedics;
all those who took care of our loved ones: care home and day care personnel;
all those who protected us: police forces, fire fighters and security agents;
all those who supplied us: shop staff and lorry drivers;
all those who saw to our mobility: public transport personnel;
all those who kept our streets clean: refuse collectors and cleaning personnel.

To all of you: thank you very much, for everything! For your commitment, your courage and your perseverance! Without you, our daily lives would have been total chaos!

You have time, we have space! Come and discover our collections!

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